Karl McManus Foundation needs your support to further research into the prevention and cure of tick borne illness in Australia.
You can make a direct donation by clicking the DONATE ONLINE button.
If you have any questions, would like to pay another way, or would like to set up a standing donation, get in touch with us and we will organise for you.
Karl McManus Membership
Your support for more evidence based knowledge about Lyme borreliosis and other tick borne infections, will help us to move closer to solutions. See our mission statement.
Benefits of Membership
A KMF membership allows you to:
- Receive a 10% discount* off all KMF functions including the KMF international conference and Gala dinners, and KMF products
- Receive free training materials such as a CD of the presentation slides from KMF international TBD conferences
- Ask a question and get an answer from a KMF member
- Obtain help and advice for your treating doctor if he is not trained in treating tick bone diseases
- Gain friendship and encouragement
- Receive awareness raising material
- Be ensured that it is your foundation
*Note: If both an AIMA and KMF member, a 10% discount rate only will apply i.e. discount rates are not cumulative.

Gladioli (gladdies) are the favourite flower of Dame Edna Everidge, patron of the Karl McManus Foundation.
Lime coloured badges have been created to represent the plight of the Lyme disease sufferers in the world. Purchase of each badge helps to fund Lyme disease/ Borreliosis/relapsing fever disease research.
Every year 16th of September is a special day, Gladiolus (gladdie) day. The month of September, beginning of spring, in the Southern hemisphere is Gladdie month.
Everyone please join in and celebrate Gladdie day and month, buy a badge and remember those who have passed away from complications of Lyme disease/Borreliosis in the world.
How you can be involved:
Please contact the foundation if you would like to be a Gladdie representative or purchase from our online store to show your support.
Become a Friend of the Karl McManus Foundation and join in our Activities and Fundraising Events
Every Dollar Counts and brings Australia one step closer to Accurate Blood Tests for Tick borne diseases that are currently going undetected. Become a part of our Wonderful Team dedicated to bringing an end Australian Lyme Like disease.
How you can be involved:
- Host a Fundraiser at your Work place or Local Club
- Hold Morning Teas with Gold Coin Donation
- Run a Sausage Sizzle at your local Supermarket
- Run a Raffle
- Hold Baking and Craft Stalls
- Gala Dinners
- Lyme awareness at your workplace or school
- Community Festival Stalls
- Film Screenings
Contact us for more info
Your legacy will enable research to impact on a major challenge of medicine in the 21st century.
By leaving a bequest to the Foundation you are not only helping in the recognition of Lyme disease and other tick borne infections, but enabling the elucidation whether Borrelia has a role in the pathology of these neurodegenerative disease states mentioned above. Your legacy will enable research to impact on a major challenge of medicine in the 21st century.
How you can be involved:
Celebrate the life of someone you love by giving in their memory at a special page. Others members of your family can also donate in memory of your loved one. If you are interested in Giving in Memory of a special loved one please contact Karl McManus Foundation.
The Foundation needs volunteers NOW.
Please help Now. There is a lot of work to be done and we need you. Even if it is only for a short time or regular time we can use your assistance. Every little bit counts.
How you can be involved:
- State Representatives
- Volunteer Co-ordinators
- Recruitment Manager
- Website and IT staff
- Publicity and Editorial
- Newsletter Co-ordinator
- Social Media Manager
- Fund raising and activities
Contact the KMF and tell us about your skills and your available time.
PO Box 3129
North Turramurra, NSW 2074